Letícia Abdalla boasts more than 15 years’ experience in arbitration and in arbitration- related court proceedings, having participated in high-complexity cases involving mergers and acquisitions, construction contracts, telecom services, oil and gas exploration, power generation and distribution, financial services, real estate projects and stockholders’ disputes, among others.
Before joining CFGS, Letícia was the Secretary-General of the CIESP/FIESP Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration Chamber, one of Brazil’s most sought after and respected arbitration and mediation centers, where she was responsible for coordinating the
Chamber’s services and for managing arbitration and mediation proceedings in progress.
Prior to that, Letícia was for over 10 years a senior associate at one of Brazil’s most renowned litigation and arbitration firms where she participated in numerous domestic and international arbitration proceedings alongside André de Luizi Correia and Rodrigo Ribeiro Fleury.
LL.M. summa cum laude in Private Law with specialization in international commercial arbitration, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands (2005).
Bachelor’s Degree in Law from University of São Paulo – USP (2000).
Languages: Portuguese and English.
Member since 2001, Brazilian Bar Association – São Paulo Chapter (License no. 182.490).
Member, Brazilian Arbitration Committee – CBAr.
Delegate of the ICC Brazilian Committee to the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR, appointed in 2022.
ICC Advanced Arbitration Academy for Latin America (2023-2024)
ICC Masterclass for Arbitrators, São Paulo (2014).
Secretary of the Editorial Committee of “Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação” – Editora RT (2011-2013).
“International Arbitration Advocacy Workshop – Questioning of Fact Witnesses in International Arbitration”, organized by FIAA – Foundation for International Arbitration Advocacy, São Paulo (2011).
Peer Tutor in the Graduate Arbitration Program (GVLaw) offered by the São Paulo Law School of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation – EDESP/FGV, under the supervision of Professors Selma Ferreira Lemes and Pedro Batista Martins (2009)
Comments to Art. 33 of the Brazilian Arbitration Law. Article co-authored with Renata Lorenzi Iório, published in “Lei de Arbitragem Comentada – Lei nº 9.307/1996”, LEITE, Fabiana de Cerqueira, WEBER, Ana Carolina (Coord.); São Paulo: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2023.
“Audiências Virtuais: Desafios e Devido Processo Legal”, published in “Estudos sobre a evolução da arbitragem e da mediação no Brasil”, São Paulo: SESI-SP editora, 2021, p. 251-269.
“Arbitrabilidade na Convenção de Nova Iorque” – article co-authored with Vera Cecília Monteiro de Barros, published in “Arbitragem Comercial Internacional e os 60 anos da Convenção de Nova Iorque”, LEMES, Selma, LOPES, Christian Sahb Batista (Org.); São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2019, p. 47-69.
“Processo de escolha e nomeação de árbitro”, published in “20 anos da lei da arbitragem: homenagem a Petrônio R. Muniz”; CARMONA et. al.; São Paulo: Atlas, 2017, p. 239-270.
“Algumas questões ainda polêmicas na Homologação de Sentença Arbitral Estrangeira”, co-authored with Vera Cecília Monteiro de Barros, published in “Arbitragem: temas contemporâneos”; LEMES, Selma, BALBINO, Inez (Coord.); São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2012; p. 382-414.
“Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in Brazil”, co-authored with Rodrigo Garcia da Fonseca, published in “Yearbook on international arbitration”, ROTH, Marianne; GEISTLINGER, Michael (Ed.); Antwerp: Intersentia, 2012; p. 167-176.
“The Principle of Competence-Competence and Conflicts Between State Court and Arbitral Jurisdiction in Brazil”, co-authored with Ana Gerdau de Borja, published in “Dispute Resolution Journal – ADRNew – What’s New in Latin American ADR?”; Maurício Gomm-Santos (Ed).
“Execução de título extrajudicial. Existência de cláusula compromissória. Exceção de pré-executividade”, published in “Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação”, Ed. RT, São Paulo, n. 15, Oct/Dec. 2007, p. 217-224.