Giulia holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas School of Law (2022) and is experienced in civil litigation and arbitration. She participates in high-complexity arbitration cases mainly involving corporate law, contracts, mergers and acquisitions, and infrastructure.

Prior to joining CFGS, Giulia coordinated several university groups for the study of arbitration and was a legal intern in strategic litigation cases at one of Brazil’s leading law firms.

Giulia Marchesi Bassani

+55 11 5180-5739

Training and Language Skills

Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas School of Law (2022)

Languages: Portuguese, English, German and Spanish

Professional Affiliations

Member of the Brazilian Bar Association – São Paulo Chapter (License no.489.091).

Member of the Brazilian Association for Arbitration Students (ABEArb) and Member of ICC’s Young Arbitration & ADR Forum (ICC YAAF).

Academic and other activities

Participated, as speaker and now coach, in domestic and international arbitration competitions, such as the Petrônio Muniz Brazilian Arbitration Competition – CAMARB (2018 – 2023) and the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (2019-2023).

Teaching Assistant and Coordinator of the Arbitral Practice Study Group at Fundação Getúlio Vargas School of Law (2021-2023).

Merit Award Scholarship from Fundação Getúlio Vargas School of Law (2019).

Awarded an academic performance scholarship by Santander – Santander Scholarship “Superamos Juntos 2020”.